SINDA/FLUINT学习教材——《Computer Simulation of a Two-Phase Capillary Pumped Loop(CPL) Using SINDA/FLUINT》

2018-09-12 16:50:50 204

《Computer Simulation of a Two-Phase Capillary Pumped Loop (CPL) Using SINDA/FLUINT》

书名:《Computer Simulation of a Two-Phase Capillary Pumped Loop (CPL) Using SINDA/FLUINT》

作者:Peter J. Ryan

描 述 

       This is a NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA DEPT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING report procured by the Pentagon and made available for public release. It has been reproduced in the best form available to the Pentagon. It is not spiral-bound, but rather assembled with Velobinding in a soft, white linen cover. The Storming Media report number is A276343. The abstract provided by the Pentagon follows: The heat transfer performance of a prototype capillary pumped loop (CPL) test bed from the U.S. Air Force Phillips Laboratory is modeled using numerical differencing techniques. A commercial computer code was used to create the model and simulate performance over a wide range of operating conditions. Steady state and transient performance were modeled as part of the initial phase of testing in a program designed to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of capillary pumped loop technology for use in spacecraft thermal control. The performance baseline developed in this phase of testing will serve as the foundation for continued research and development of this technology. 

Product Details

  • Spiral-bound: 135 pages

  • Publisher: Storming Media (1997)

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-10: 1423562224

  • ISBN-13: 978-1423562221



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